Sunday, May 27, 2012


Oh Lord, I'll rejoice and be glad for this day!
To you, oh Lord, I pray. With thanksgiving, I present my needs to you.
I know you’ll find a way.

Without you Lord, I have no good thing,
I can do nothing apart from you.
I find faith in your word; in your time I'll be heard,
Jesus, you’ll know what to do.

I lean on you Lord to answer my prayer,
As I cast my cares above.
You'll always do what's best for me, so covered in your love.

I pray to you for guidance, on worry, fear or strife,
I’ll fix my eyes on the Lamb of God, the way, the truth, the life.

“There's no need to add to the worries, that each and every day brings”,
I look to you God to answer my prayers,
As You know, I need all these things.

“Ask and you will receive”,
Your promise, I do believe.
For those who ask, receive,
Those who seek, do find,
To those who knock, the door is opened,
Jesus, eternally kind.

Let me love you with all of my heart,
And seek your kingdom first,
For you alone are the Holy One, in whose love, I am immersed.

~ Leonie Russell ~
Derry, N. Ireland

1 comment:

DRSHOEGAL259 said...
