Greetings everyone,
As promised I received my grade for my histology test.
I got an 86 on the test and I also have 3 extra credit points which gives me an 89 in the class so far. My final neuroscience grade is 87. So hooray for me! So I’m doing great. There’s still room for improvement. I’m so close to an A. I can taste it.
I’m taking my second neuroscience test this Friday. My first anatomy written and practical test next is Wednesday. And my second histology test is the following week sometime. I’m not sure because I just take my test one week at a time. So I won’t get overwhelmed.
So what am I studying for now? Mostly neuroscience because that’s the next test that is coming up. Some anatomy because that’s a big test on a Wednesday so I don’t have a whole and a weekend to studying it. A little bit of histology just to be ready for the pop quiz.
Typical days for me Monday-Thursday is get up and arrive at school around 9a or 10a it depends on what my lecture is that day. We have lectures up until 12p. We break for an hour and resume lectures or lab till 4p. I do whatever I need to do for about 2 hours (working out, shopping, eating, etc.). Then I go to the library to study from about 6p till about 10:30p. I’ll only really break for long times on Thursday for Grey’s Anatomy but I’ll start studying an hour earlier. I’m in my apartment by 11:15p. Go to sleep and do it again. Or sometimes I stay up for about an hour or two and do more studying. I know you’re thinking wow do you get any free time. Yes, on Friday nights. I call it “date night” because that the night I go out on a date with my boyfriend which helps keep my mind off of school.
My weekends are random. Whatever I didn’t do all week like clean, cook, wash clothes, food shopping happens on the weekends. And of course I attend worship service and Sunday school. I go to bible study on Tuesdays during my lunch break. I also study during the weekends too.
So this has been my life for the last five weeks in a nut shell. Sleep-Eat-Lectures-Lab-Studying-Sleep-Eat-Lectures-Lab-Studying-Grey’s Anatomy-Sleep-Eat-Lectures-Lab-Date Night-Sleep… Ok, ok you get it. For the most part it’s not very fun as you can see. Podiatry school is very demanding. Please don’t take it lightly. Speaking of demanding I have to go neuro is calling me!!
Bye, bye
I wanna give a shout out to my lil sista "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIL SIS!"
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Hello everyone,
I just got finished taking a histology test and dissecting my cadaver. In anatomy lab we’re reflecting the pectoral major muscle on the chest. It’s a little harder when you have a woman. We have a woman and getting rid of all the fat in her breast took a minute to do. This was a little OT (overtime) that my group did before the lab tomorrow.
The histology test had 50 questions. It was really easy and really hard at the same time. So I’ll tell you the verdict when we get our test scores.
I’ll be studying all weekend because I’m behind in anatomy lecture and neuroscience lecture. The next test is two weeks from now in neuroscience. Then after that test we’ll be tested in anatomy written and practical. So prayerfully I’ll be able to stick to my schedule and it should bring me up to speed in my classes. In addition to my studying I’ve got a full weekend. I’m going to my little sister’s birthday party on Saturday night. And I have to squeeze in doing my hair sometime before the party. And spend some quality time with my baby (boyfriend).
So far I’m maintaining. I still go to church and bible study. I still have a wonderful boyfriend who is very supportive and understanding. Our relationship is great. My friends are great. They are supportive and understanding also. My family has always had my back they are great too. I don’t know how my cat’s doing? She has seen me every weekend now so I think she is fine.
So future pods it can be done. But you have to have God in your life because without him I know I couldn’t be maintaining. He’s the one who sent so many supportive and wonderful people in my life. So I have to go and hit the books before Grey’s Anatomy comes on tonight. I’ll holla!
I just got finished taking a histology test and dissecting my cadaver. In anatomy lab we’re reflecting the pectoral major muscle on the chest. It’s a little harder when you have a woman. We have a woman and getting rid of all the fat in her breast took a minute to do. This was a little OT (overtime) that my group did before the lab tomorrow.
The histology test had 50 questions. It was really easy and really hard at the same time. So I’ll tell you the verdict when we get our test scores.
I’ll be studying all weekend because I’m behind in anatomy lecture and neuroscience lecture. The next test is two weeks from now in neuroscience. Then after that test we’ll be tested in anatomy written and practical. So prayerfully I’ll be able to stick to my schedule and it should bring me up to speed in my classes. In addition to my studying I’ve got a full weekend. I’m going to my little sister’s birthday party on Saturday night. And I have to squeeze in doing my hair sometime before the party. And spend some quality time with my baby (boyfriend).
So far I’m maintaining. I still go to church and bible study. I still have a wonderful boyfriend who is very supportive and understanding. Our relationship is great. My friends are great. They are supportive and understanding also. My family has always had my back they are great too. I don’t know how my cat’s doing? She has seen me every weekend now so I think she is fine.
So future pods it can be done. But you have to have God in your life because without him I know I couldn’t be maintaining. He’s the one who sent so many supportive and wonderful people in my life. So I have to go and hit the books before Grey’s Anatomy comes on tonight. I’ll holla!
Monday, September 18, 2006
Hey everyone!
I just got my grade for my first test back... I think I got a B on my neuroscience test. I'm not sure because we have test codes and I have to check my test codes to make sure that is in fact my grade.
I have had four quizzes in histology they are extra credit so they can only help me. I've done fairly good considering I was behind because of my move during the first week of classes. So as of now I'm a solid B student working hard for my A.
I started anatomy today and it wasn't that bad. I mean the lab part. We started the back and spinal cord today on our cadavers. I'm still in my scrubs smelling a little foul from lab. But hey I needed to study on campus and I didn't bring a change of clothes.( I don't live on campus at TUSPM. I'm living on main campus at TU.) But I haven't clear any rooms so it’s not that bad. But I can definitely smell myself and I'm living foul. I can't wait to take a hot shower!
I just wanted to keep you guys posted. I need to get back to studying. Remember I'm a B working hard for my A.
I want to give a shout out to my best friend Happy Birthday Ma!
I just got my grade for my first test back... I think I got a B on my neuroscience test. I'm not sure because we have test codes and I have to check my test codes to make sure that is in fact my grade.
I have had four quizzes in histology they are extra credit so they can only help me. I've done fairly good considering I was behind because of my move during the first week of classes. So as of now I'm a solid B student working hard for my A.
I started anatomy today and it wasn't that bad. I mean the lab part. We started the back and spinal cord today on our cadavers. I'm still in my scrubs smelling a little foul from lab. But hey I needed to study on campus and I didn't bring a change of clothes.( I don't live on campus at TUSPM. I'm living on main campus at TU.) But I haven't clear any rooms so it’s not that bad. But I can definitely smell myself and I'm living foul. I can't wait to take a hot shower!
I just wanted to keep you guys posted. I need to get back to studying. Remember I'm a B working hard for my A.
I want to give a shout out to my best friend Happy Birthday Ma!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Hey Everyone! I know I've been M.I.A. Let's just say my first two weeks as a pod student wasn't easy for me! Even though they eased us in b/c I don't have anatomy till the 18th!
I moved during my first week so I was behind in my lectures. I have a neuroscience test on Tuesday so I've been studying my butt off.
Rule #1 as a 1st year Don't get behind b/c its hard to get caught up. I'm experiencing this right now. So remember that future pods!
I just wanted to drop a line real quick during my study break. I'm still alive and in the game! Bye bye
I moved during my first week so I was behind in my lectures. I have a neuroscience test on Tuesday so I've been studying my butt off.
Rule #1 as a 1st year Don't get behind b/c its hard to get caught up. I'm experiencing this right now. So remember that future pods!
I just wanted to drop a line real quick during my study break. I'm still alive and in the game! Bye bye
Hey Everyone! I know I've been M.I.A. Let's just say my first two weeks as a pod student wasn't easy for me! Even though they eased us in b/c I don't have anatomy till the 18th!
I moved during my first week so I was behind in my lectures. I have a neuroscience test on Tuesday so I've been studying my butt off.
Rule #1 as a 1st year Don't get behind b/c its hard to get caught up. I'm experiencing this right now. So remember that future pods!
I just wanted to drop a line real quick during my study break. I'm still alive and in the game! Bye bye
I moved during my first week so I was behind in my lectures. I have a neuroscience test on Tuesday so I've been studying my butt off.
Rule #1 as a 1st year Don't get behind b/c its hard to get caught up. I'm experiencing this right now. So remember that future pods!
I just wanted to drop a line real quick during my study break. I'm still alive and in the game! Bye bye
Saturday, August 19, 2006

Before I begin, I want to give honor to my Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. He made all of this possible. Thank you Jesus for finding me worthy to be used to treat your people through medicine. I do not take this privilege lightly. I will always be grateful. I Love You. Amen!
This has been a very long journey. I’m a proud product of the Philadelphia public school system. The school system may have failed some but they have actually produce a viable scholastic woman. So don't give up on them. I attended Central High School. 259!
I’m also a proud product of a HBCU. (Historically Black College or University) I attended Cheyney University. CU! I received a B.A. in biology. I graduated with honors in May 2004 with a 3.46 overall g.p.a. & a 3.36 science g.p.a. .
I was forced into a two year hiatus because I was in car accident while working as a EMT. I’m okay now but I’ll always have back problem for the rest of my life because of the accident.
I only applied to TUSPM. I’ll tell you why in a later entry. I took the GRE instead of the MCAT.
Why you ask?
I had applied in October and interviewed in November. My test scores was the only thing missing in my application. So I wanted to complete my application as soon as possible. So since I was allowed to take the GRE. I took it in May. My original plan was to take it in February. I figure if I need to take it over I’ll still have time to be accepted into the fall 2006 class. I ended up taking the test three times. Wishing the whole time that I should have just taken the MCAT. Hey, God had other plans for me. My best score was 440 in verbal and 650 in quantitative. So since I worked as hard as I did. I was blessed with two scholarships one from Temple (merit scholarship) and the other from Cheyney (bond/hill scholarship). Thank you Jesus! The bond/hill scholarship is a four year scholarship. So anyone from Cheyney or Lincoln University can get this scholarship. So the pressure is on.
I’m excited, nervous, & thankful all at the same time. I’m about to embark on a plethora of medical information in about two weeks. I don’t have my schedule yet but I do have my roster. I will be taking histology, gross anatomy, neurosciences, intro to research design, & physiology for a total of 31.8 credits this semester. That’s right! I know you’re thinking that’s more than what I take in one year as a undergrad student. I know! I will be completing a total of 61.3 credits at the end of my first year. Pre-pod are you scared yet? And this is why I’m a little nervous. But I know God has my back.
People are always playing podiatry school like we don’t be holding it down. So don’t get it twisted it is hard as hell! But its a medical school and that‘s what is expected. No one said that it was going to be easy. Podiatry students go hard just like allopathic and osteopathy!
I want to apologize if you don’t understand the vernacular that I’m using. But there is no other way to say it. I’m just keeping it REAL!
Orientation is next week. I’ll write an entry about it. If you have any questions or comments just drop me a line.
Bye bye and be blessed
Thursday, August 17, 2006
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